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convert / load .b3d .x animated models


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New to Babylon sorting things out and searching what is already done and available.


I have hundreds of .b3d and .x models from former developments - many still to be used in my babylon projects.


Have done lot of searches but get no results with .x or .b3d in connection with conversions or code loading those files


Any idea where I can get info or code snippets?

It would be a waste of time to put each into Blender to export them piece by piece


Grateful for ideas and info  :)




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Thanks for the answer


I bet I am not the only one who has a huge collection of those types of models built up over the last 15 years.

I made a .wrl (VRML) to .b3d converter 12 years ago

Looking into the docs of babylon, checking the code of some babylon models I see that it should be very easy to convert or even convert while loading the models.

Converting animations from one system to another is always the biggest part. The anim keys in .x are much different from .b3d and even more from .wrl

It took me months to get all sort of different models working bug free in those days.


This time I should better not do it on my own, but hope to find people with a similar beckground and already good knowledge of babylon animation.


So I hope there are some people here in the forum who want to join creating the loaders for .b3d and .x

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