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Phaser box2d rotation vs Arcade rotation


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I'm trying to implement a missile based on this example:


If I change the physics from arcade to box2d the missile doesn't follow the pointer.

I tried to see what the problem is and I think is this.rotation. Box2d sees rotation different from arcade. How can I fix this ?

if (this.rotation !== targetAngle) {
    // Calculate difference between the current angle and targetAngle
    var delta = targetAngle - this.rotation;

    // Keep it in range from -180 to 180 to make the most efficient turns.
    if (delta > Math.PI) delta -= Math.PI * 2;
    if (delta < -Math.PI) delta += Math.PI * 2;

    if (delta > 0) {
        // Turn clockwise
        this.angle += this.TURN_RATE;
    } else {
        // Turn counter-clockwise
        this.angle -= this.TURN_RATE;

    // Just set angle to target angle if they are close
    if (Math.abs(delta) < this.game.math.degToRad(this.TURN_RATE)) {
        this.rotation = targetAngle;

Thank you

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