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Quesion about a JS function


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An example of getDefinitionByName in AS3 from here :

var ClassReference:Class = getDefinitionByName("flash.display.Sprite") as Class;
var instance:Object = new ClassReference();

This uses getDefinitionByName to eventually create a new Sprite. To my knowledge, JS doesn't have a function that will find another fully qualified function by a string, like in the example. I can think of some creative ways to try and fake it, but everything would just end up being hacky.

In JS, and particularly with Phaser, creating a new Sprite object would look like:

var player = new Phaser.Sprite(...);

Or, if you already had a reference to a game object:

var player = game.add.sprite(...);

You would add the necessary parameters instead of the ellipsis, of course. 



TL;DR: Nope.

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4 minutes ago, Zeterain said:

An example of getDefinitionByName in AS3 from here :

var ClassReference:Class = getDefinitionByName("flash.display.Sprite") as Class;
var instance:Object = new ClassReference();

This uses getDefinitionByName to eventually create a new Sprite. To my knowledge, JS doesn't have a function that will find another fully qualified function by a string, like in the example. I can think of some creative ways to try and fake it, but everything would just end up being hacky.

In JS, and particularly with Phaser, creating a new Sprite object would look like:

var player = new Phaser.Sprite(...);

Or, if you already had a reference to a game object:

var player = game.add.sprite(...);

You would add the necessary parameters instead of the ellipsis, of course. 



TL;DR: Nope.

Thank you~

It's really a pity..for I just make many class extends Phaser.Sprite like Monster1 Monster2 Monster3 ....

I think that if there is a function like getDefinitionByName.

I can just add some custom properties in Tiled of a object just like a property called MonsterName and its value is Monster1 of a box called box1

So if the player in my game collide box1 it could automatically create a Monster1.

But my current code is like this ..

I think it's miserable :-D

var tempMonster = new Monster1(obj2.x,obj2.y -20);
tempMonster.body.velocity.y = -100;


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There's no "native" way to do this, but you could set it up yourself.

function Monster1Class() {}

function Monster2Class() {}

var monsterClasses = {
  monster1: Monster1Class,
  monster2: Monster2Class

var monster = new monsterClasses['monster1']();

That's a very abbreviated version, but that's how I'd map strings to functions (and constructor functions) in JS.

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10 hours ago, drhayes said:

There's no "native" way to do this, but you could set it up yourself.

function Monster1Class() {}

function Monster2Class() {}

var monsterClasses = {
  monster1: Monster1Class,
  monster2: Monster2Class

var monster = new monsterClasses['monster1']();

That's a very abbreviated version, but that's how I'd map strings to functions (and constructor functions) in JS.

Thank you. 

Besides I have to define every class in a map.It works well~


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There are ways to do this "automatically". Depending on how you structure your game, if you do anything like "namespacing" where you do this:

window.enemies = window.enemies || {};

window.enemies.Monster1 = function() {}

window.enemies.Monster2 = function() {}

Then you've got enemies as your map. At least you didn't duplicate anything that way.

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