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Unable to compile effect - Error


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I am trying desperately to get my own shaders written and have gotten to the point in my research where I understand the process.

Now I have gotten to trying to deploy them and actually script them up but I am being restricted from progressing because of this error:

syntax error standardTeriableColor.vertex.fx:1:1
syntax error standardTeriableColor.fragment.fx:1:1
BJS - [08:14:19]: Unable to compile effect:  babylon.js:3:14445

BJS - [08:14:19]: Vertex shader:./Shaders/standardTeriableColor babylon.js:3:14445

BJS - [08:14:19]: Fragment shader:./Shaders/standardTeriableColor babylon.js:3:14445

BJS - [08:14:19]: Defines:  babylon.js:3:14445

BJS - [08:14:19]: Error: ERROR: 0:16: '' : syntax error

It is saying that the ";" in the first line of the shader is an unexpected character.  Im wondering if it is because I saved them through Dreamweaver and perhaps that broke them?  I will try rewriting and saving them through notepad and see what happens...

here is the script that calls the shader in case I am missing something here!

var TERIMAT = new BABYLON.ShaderMaterial("standardTeriableColor", scene, "./Shaders/standardTeriableColor",
            attributes: ["position", "uv"],
            uniforms: ["worldViewProjection"]
			TERIMAT.setTexture("textureSampler", new BABYLON.Texture("./Shaders/standardTeriableColor/beach.jpg", scene));
			this._ground.material = TERIMAT;

Also does a shader have to have reference textures?  I mainly want to have just basic rgb (rgba if possible) colors assigned not a texture.

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syntax error standardTeriableColor.vertex.fx:1:1
syntax error standardTeriableColor.fragment.fx:1:1
BJS - [08:14:19]: Unable to compile effect:  babylon.js:3:14445

BJS - [08:14:19]: Vertex shader:./Shaders/standardTeriableColor babylon.js:3:14445

BJS - [08:14:19]: Fragment shader:./Shaders/standardTeriableColor babylon.js:3:14445

BJS - [08:14:19]: Defines:  babylon.js:3:14445

BJS - [08:14:19]: Error: ERROR: 0:16: '' : syntax error


is the exact copy from the f12


precision highp float;
    varying vec2 vUV;

uniform sampler2D textureSampler;

void main(void) {
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(textureSampler, vUV);

precision highp float;

        // Attributes
        attribute vec3 position;
        attribute vec2 uv;

        // Uniforms
        uniform mat4 worldViewProjection;

        // Normal
        varying vec2 vUV;

        void main(void) {
        gl_Position = worldViewProjection * vec4(position, 1.0);

        vUV = uv;// JavaScript Document

are the shader files right now.

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