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Acces my own class methods within create()


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I have a question regarding Typescript an `this`:


    class Calculator {
        foo: number;
        constructor(foo: number) {
            this.foo = foo;
        public write() {
            return "abc";

Now I create an instance in my Game and want to call its method, but this.calc is undifined:


 class Game {
        calc: Calculator;
        constructor() {
            // this is working fine
            this.calc = new Calculator(1);
        create() {
             for (var index = 0; index < 5; index++) {
                // here this.calc is undefined and I don't know why

Then in my create method I always get `this.calc` is `undefined`and I dont know why.

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Hi, I do exactly this in my games (also Typescript) and it works. Are you sure you called new on your Game class before it gets into create?

I also recommend to clearly split state from game to make things clear. Try following example:

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Calculator {

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public sayHello() : void {

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Game extends Phaser.Game {

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    constructor() {
        // init game
        super(640, 400, Phaser.CANVAS, "content", null);

        this.state.add("State", State);


// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class State extends Phaser.State {

    private _calc: Calculator();

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    constructor() {
         this._calc = new Calculator();

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    create() {

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
window.onload = () => {
    new Game();


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