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Render function not working


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I'm currently using version 2.4.4 Amador.

I'm trying to debug a sprite but can't seem to get render or debug to work.

I understand that phaser needs to be rendering using Phaser.CANVAS that I need to include the "render: render" function. 

My code looks like:

render: function() {
	game.debug.spriteInfo(sprite, 32, 32);

but I've also tried:

function render() {
	game.debug.spriteInfo(sprite, 32, 32);

Console log seems to suggest I'm creating the function the wrong way?

Thanks in advance!


Side note: my other main functions, preload, create, and update, all look like my first snippet and seem to work fine.

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Can you share the whole file using pastebin or something? Depending on how you've setup your game state, i.e: with prototype, objects etc.. then you'd make your method or function different accordingly. I write my functions like this:

render() {
    // -- //


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Well, you have a line in your code that says:

game.debug.spriteInfo(sprite, 32, 32);

However, you never define a variable called sprite.  You probably meant to debug steve, right? Try replacing the sprite with steve:

game.debug.spriteInfo(steve, 32, 32);


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