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movement problem

mohammed alsaqqal

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im trying to move this prefab in random way 

var BasicGame = BasicGame || {};
BasicGame.balls = function(game ,x,y ,vx,vy, key) {

this.game.physics.arcade.enable(this) ;

 this.body.collideWorldBounds = true;        this.body.bounce.setTo(1, 1);        this.body.velocity.x = vx;        this.body.velocity.y = vy;       this.body.immovable = true;
this.body.drag = true ; 

BasicGame.balls.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Sprite.prototype);
BasicGame.balls.prototype.constructor = BasicGame.balls ;

this is main js create function code


var ball1 = ['greenb1' , 'greenb2' , 'greenb3' , 'greenb4' , 'blueb1' ,'blueb2' , 'blueb3' , 'blueb4' , 'redb1' , 'redb2' , 'yellowb1','yellowb2','orangeb1','orangeb2' , 'silverb1' , 'silverb2' , 'pinkb1' , 'pinkb2'] ; 
var x = this.game.world.randomX;     
   var y = this.game.world.randomY;  
      this.minSpeed = -75;       
 this.maxSpeed = 75;     
   var vx = Math.random()*(this.maxSpeed - this.minSpeed+1)-this.minSpeed;    
    var vy = Math.random()*(this.maxSpeed - this.minSpeed+1)-this.minSpeed;  

        var b1 = new BasicGame.balls( this.game ,x,y ,vx , vy ,Phaser.ArrayUtils.getRandomItem(ball1));

this.game.add.existing(b1) ;


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