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Box2d debug.body settings (ex centerOfMass)


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//in the render function
this.physics.box2d.debugDraw.centerOfMass = true;


The above code only shows the mySprite's physics body, it does not draw the Center of Mass.

Note: I am able to render the center of mass with the below code, but it renders it for every physics object.

//in the render function
this.physics.box2d.debugDraw.centerOfMass = true;


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I think this will not be possible. Phaser box2D plugin is intermediate layer between Phaser and box2D. As far as I remember box2D is only calling: "ok, now I will draw all joints one by one" and it is up to implementation to provide drawing method (which is what Phaser box2D plugin does in DefaultDebugDraw.js) - thanks to this user can provide drawing methods specific to platform they are running box2D on. There is no option to draw joints (or other properties) only on single object.

I believe, that Phaser debug features related to physics will draw properties common for all supported physics engines - like body, but not engine specific ones. Phaser approach allows you to do this on per object basis as you wrote in your original post.

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