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Local dev work on Babylon


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So I would like to check out the inner workings of Babylon a bit, hopefully learn a bunch about how everything under the hood is working. 

I've been able to setup a local dev environment, which includes getting the project to compile inside of VS Code. I am having a bit of a problem with using my local Babylon bundle in a sample project. I am a web developer by day, and am used to being able to `npm link` a library for local dev. However, a `package.json` file doesn't seem to be in the `/dist` directory after compilation. 

I basically have two questions: 

1) Is it possible to get the `npm link` method working? I'm not sure what exactly should be in this particular `package.json`

2) How are others doing local development of Babylon? 

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Thank you, it was extremely helpful, and is what I used to get the project compiling. The part about getting VS Code up and running was especially helpful.

I could see that my question about get "npm link" working might be confusing if a developer's workflow doesn't use it. How do you and other devs add features? My instinct, and the way I've done it in the past, is to to link the library into a test project. That way I can work in an almost TDD style and create what I think should work, then check in on the Library and update it accordingly. If I'm looking at this the wrong way, then please feel free to set me straight =)

Again, that tutorial was great, very happy it was written.

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