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Changing Sprite's Scale Causes Physics Body To Become Detached


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I'm using Phaser 2.4.8 and seem to be having a strange issue. 

In the player sprite constructor I set the anchor to .5, .5

this.anchor.setTo(.5, .5);

The spritesheet is drawn with the character facing right, so when the player presses LEFT this is what I do to point it left:

          if (this.game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.LEFT)) {
            if (this.scale.x == 1) {
              this.scale.x = -1;

Unfortunately this simple act causes the Sprite's physics body to leap to the sprite/sprite texture's right side for no reason I can see. The image of the character moves around fine but the physics body jumps around every time the scale switches between 1 and -1. 

You can see this happening with all the debugging information turned on at:


Also the entire source of the game is at:


I thought I was missing something simple until I looked at an old game I did wish Phaser were I did the exact same thing but this issue did not crop up at all. 

Anyone know what is going on here? 

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5 minutes ago, LTNGames said:


Alright, thanks for the quick reply. I must have a bad case of Imposter Syndrome because I was staring intently at my code for like two hours trying to figure out where I messed up. 

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