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How to set absolute values for local rotation?


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I know how to get world rotation from the rotation quaternion using the eulerAngles function.  I know how to set the world rotation using the RotationYawPitchRoll function.  I also want to have the option to read and set local rotation but I have no idea how to do this using the rotation quaternion.  I've checked the docs and searched the forums but I can't find an example.  Does anyone know if its possible to read and set absolute local rotation?

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3 minutes ago, Deltakosh said:

If you are using a mesh then mesh.rotationQuaternion is the local rotation

oh right, so mesh.rotationQuaternion is actually storing the local rotation.  I got it backwards.  So how do I set and retrieve the world rotation?

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4 minutes ago, adam said:

If the mesh doesn't have a parent, isn't the rotationQuaternion both local and world?


Actually, you have a good point here. I'm trying to rotate this object in relation to the ground via local and world rotations, but I guess I need to make it a child of the ground first

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