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Change the color of the back face dynamically


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I followed this tutorial.  


I would like to change the color of the back face dynamically to the following.


var faceColorsCorrect = new Array (6);
faceColorsCorrect[0] = new BABYLON.Color4.FromHexString("#D40606FF"); //back
faceColorsCorrect[1] = new BABYLON.Color4.FromHexString("#2C6744FF"); //front
faceColorsCorrect[4] = new BABYLON.Color4.FromHexString("#95919DFF");

How do I do this after creating the mesh programmatically?

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I suppose that you used a box. Unfortunately, the box isn't one of the parametric shapes, this means no update/morphing out-of-the-box (!!!) method is provided to change its settings after its contruction.

So two ways to do then with a box set as updatable :

either get its VertexBuffer.ColorKind data and change them manually for the 4 concerned vertices (2 triangles per face with 2 shared vertices), not that easy

either just apply a material with a blank texture to the wanted face and change the material color (easy)

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Start by doing something like this?

var texture = new BABYLON.Texture ("textures/concrete_cracked.png", scene);
mat.diffuseTexture = texture;

//Create faceUV
var faceUV = new Array (6);
//Apply the texture to the front of box
faceUV[1] = new BABYLON.Vector4(0,0,6,6);

I have an image file.  I only need to apply it to the front face of the mesh.  I am not sure about the numerical values for the Vector4(0,0,6,6); .


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a playground would make things easier to help you

the vector4 values of a faceUV element must be in the range 0 - 1

0,0 is the left bottom corner of the image whatever its size

1,1 is the upper right corner


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your texture image is not loaded in the PG (maybe your server doesn't allow http CORS requests)

well, here's an example : http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#6BMU2#2

I took one of the BJS site texture, so not a blank one. A blank one could just be a tiny white square for instance, not transparent.

I gave the color white to this material.

I set the texture only to face 0 (0,0, 1,1) and nothing on the other faces (0,0, 0,0)

You can obviously mix colours with textures, say here, white for the face 0 and black for the faces 1 and 4

The material color can be changed then at any time : changed to blue here => http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#6BMU2#3

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Thanks so much.  I see you change the color here.

mat.diffuseColor = BABYLON.Color3.Blue();

How does it know to only change it to blue the back side?  I assume this side. 

faceUV[0] = new BABYLON.Vector4(0, 0, 1, 1);

Is it because the material is only visible on this face?  And set to nothing on the other face in the for loop?

for (var i=0; i < 6; i++){
                faceUV = new BABYLON.Vector4(0,0,0,0);


I still do not understand why the color is not blue on all sides.


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