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Character not loading properly


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Hi Champa welcome to the forum :)

Did you use any Extrude operations?  I'm guessing you did;)

If so, Select the  character mesh, go into Edit mode, and then with all the verts selected go : Mesh-->Normals-->Recalculate Outside. 

Seems to happen all the time with Extrude Operations.

cheers, gryff :)

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14 hours ago, gryff said:

Hi Champa welcome to the forum :)

Did you use any Extrude operations?  I'm guessing you did;)

If so, Select the  character mesh, go into Edit mode, and then with all the verts selected go : Mesh-->Normals-->Recalculate Outside. 

Seems to happen all the time with Extrude Operations.

cheers, gryff :)

It just makes it worse :o 

14 hours ago, Nabroski said:

i made a screenshot at the same time gryff was prepared for posting.

having visual could be an improvement, so i post in anyway.

great script for analysing a mesh, should still work (just change the bl info version to match with your blender version in the .py file)


I'll try this now 


EDIT: Here is a screen shot of what it says:


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So lets follow the plugin recommendation and apply scale/rot/location.


please share also a pic, how the model should look like, before its loaded in babylon.
This could be a serious problem, if you got the ability, please share -

http://babylonjs-playground.com/  at least on part of your model, Whichis brocken.
use dropbox, onedrive, googledrive. etc.

use http://www.babylonjs.com/sandbox/ for debuging, just drag on drop your model.

Good Luck

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23 hours ago, gryff said:

@Champa : Has @Nabroski  got this solved?

Friday is not a good day for me as I usually spend it dog-sitting - including the dog you see under my name. That little lady could find trouble in an empty room :o

If not solved - could you PM me the .blend file too so I can take a look over the weekend.

cheers, gryff :)

Sry for not anwsering and yes it was a blender problem

Thanks for the help !

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