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game.physics.p2.useElapsedTime = true;


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        game.physics.p2.useElapsedTime = true;



        // On shotgun shell shot
        game.time.events.add(Phaser.Timer.QUARTER * 3, this.split, this);

I expected to get split at constant distance from space but it's depends on framerate. How to make time event in P2 timer?

https://noobshit.github.io/ - here is example of problem (cursors to move, space to shoot)

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    * Internal P2 update loop.
    * @method Phaser.Physics.P2#update
    update: function () {

        // Do nothing if the physics engine was paused before
        if (this.paused)

        if (this.useElapsedTime)


    * @property {number} frameRate - The frame rate the world will be stepped at. Defaults to 1 / 60, but you can change here. Also see useElapsedTime property.
    * @default
    this.frameRate = 1 / 60;




    * The physics update delta, in fractional seconds.
    * This should be used as an applicable multiplier by all logic update steps (eg. `preUpdate/postUpdate/update`)
    * to ensure consistent game timing. Game/logic timing can drift from real-world time if the system
    * is unable to consistently maintain the desired FPS.
    * With fixed-step updates this is normally equivalent to `1.0 / desiredFps`.
    * @property {number} physicsElapsed
    this.physicsElapsed = 1 / 60;

    * The physics update delta, in milliseconds - equivalent to `physicsElapsed * 1000`.
    * @property {number} physicsElapsedMS
    this.physicsElapsedMS = (1 / 60) * 1000;

So basically if this.useElapsedTime is true it uses frameRate == 1/60, if not it uses physicsElapsed == 1/60. No matter what useElapsedTime is set it will use 1/60.

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