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intersectsMesh() doesn't work


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And to begin with I'd like to  ask you why the heck is the ball becoming red even after the commented out bounding boxes? 

@Uniform : You are not commenting out the actual bounding boxes of the two planes. That code is actually just showing you what/where the bounding boxes are that are being used by the two conditions

(balloon1.intersectsMesh(plan1, false))
(balloon2.intersectsMesh(plan1, true))

cheers, gryff :)

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On 12/07/2016 at 2:27 AM, gryff said:

@Uniform : You are not commenting out the actual bounding boxes of the two planes. That code is actually just showing you what/where the bounding boxes are that are being used by the two conditions

(balloon1.intersectsMesh(plan1, false))
(balloon2.intersectsMesh(plan1, true))

cheers, gryff :)

Thank you a lot @gryff


It is really strange because i feel like the bounding box has been designed for me and I have no word to say, quite strange.

But anyway it still doesn't resolve my issue.

Here is the code: http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#1GHPEG (open the console and press run)


Basically, I am trying to map the terrain into a 2 dimension matrix of 0 for non walkable and 1 for walkable. (for further pathfinding use)

I am planning to use an abstract mesh as a pointer but for visual purposes i am using a mesh. Every frame this mesh will move by incrementations of 0.5 units on the x axis. When it reaches the border of the ground the pointer will increment the z axis until it reaches the top right corner of the terrain. I use the intersectMesh() function to detect wether the pointer mesh encounters another mesh, in this case the big red box.

I am printing the matrix into the console and i am limiting the computing to the 3 first frames because everything is similar after it.

This is the algorithm:

 var pathMatrix = []; // initializing an array
        function computeMatrix(){
            var begin = [-7.5,-7.5]; // bottom left corner of the ground
            var end = [7.5,7.5]; // top right corner of the ground
            var incr = 0.5; // Incremental value, crashes if set to 0.1... strange!
            pointer.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(begin[0],0.3, begin[1]);

            var tempArray = []; // temp array representing each row of the Matrix
            var stop = false;
            while(stop == false){

                // Condition of stop
                if (pointer.position.x == end[0] && pointer.position.z == end[1]){
                    tempArray = [];
                    stop = true;
                else if (pointer.position.x == 7.5){
                    tempArray = [];
                    pointer.position.x = -7.5;
                    pointer.position.z += incr; // go to next row
                pointer.position.x += incr; // go to next column
            // Print each row of the array in console
            for(var i = 0; i<30;i++){
            pathMatrix = []; // reset the matrix arrau



I would be very grateful if anyone can help me to resolve this issue. Basically I am trying to obtain a 2dimension matrix based on the abstract representation of the ground mesh. This matrix represents a collision mask that I will be able to use with my pathfinding library.

If you have other suggestions of how I can do this because this might be a bit overkill (especially moving an object several times per frame)




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1 hour ago, Deltakosh said:

I'm sorry but I did not get the problem here ;)

can you try to explain me with a simple playground where the problem is?

Wow didn't expect an answer from the mighty creator :D

Well if you look at the matrix output the first frame I obtain only zero's. It is okay because the first frame everything is created.

But then the next frames I get matrices only 1's.




So because there is this big red box in the middle of the ground the matrix should have some 0 in the place of 1's because that means that the pointer encountered some collision and thus there is a mesh in the way.

Which is not the case here because I only get an array of 1.

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ok gotcha:) Not a big deal then. This is because the internal bounding info are only updated when a frame is rendered for performance reason.

Just add this code:

pointer.computeWorldMatrix(true); // true to force all inner values to get updated RIGHT NOW :)


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