dchhetri Posted December 1, 2013 Share Posted December 1, 2013 Currently I have this ://preloadthis.game.load.spritesheet('ms','./res/tilesets/person.png',32,32);//create sprite.animations.add('walk-x',[40,41,42,43,44]); sprite.animations.add('walk-up',[32,33,34,35,36]); sprite.animations.add('walk-down',[16,17,18,19,20]);//updateif (cursors.left.isDown){ sprite.scale.x = -1; var step = cursors.left.shiftKey ? 2 * -this.currentMoveStep : -this.currentMoveStep; this.move(this.direction.LEFT,step,'walk-x'); }move: function(direction,step,animName){ //if not currently animating this direction if(!this.spriteAnimation[direction]){ tweenProp = { x: sprite.x + step }; if(direction == this.direction.UP || direction == this.direction.DOWN){ tweenProp = {y: sprite.y + step}; } var self = this; //animate and move sprite.animations.play(animName,10,true); var anim = self.game.add.tween(sprite).to(tweenProp, 300, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true); //stop when done moving anim.onCompleteCallback(function(){ sprite.animations.stop(); self.spriteAnimation[direction] = false; }); this.spriteAnimation[direction] = true; } }I seen an example where it checks to see if sprite.velocity.x/y is >=0 to determine to keep animating or not. Was wondering what you guys do to animate character based on key press? Currently this works fine, but its not a perfect looking solution, sometimes when I change direction quickly it seems to hang for an image without the animation starting then the animation starts up again. Anyways, any suggestion on how to correctly animate the character based on key press? Thanks fellas. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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