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Specular lighting issue when updating camera's ._viewMatrix


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So I'm trying out Babylon by porting a demo I made in Three. I'm replicating the custom camera controls from old demo by writing to the camera._viewMatrix, which works fine for moving the camera around, but specular highlights are frozen.

Since everything else seems to work, maybe the specular lighting uses a uniform that is not getting updated?

Note: I would like to be able to control the camera with matrix transforms.

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After some investigation, I have found that the cameras are updating _viewMatrix based on position, rotation, etc..

Since _viewMatrix is the transform of the scene relative to the camera, I found it useful to define a new matrix (called 'transform'), which is the inverse of _viewMatrix. It is similar to _worldMatrix, but I avoided using the same name due to possible conflicts.

Position.x, y, and z can be rebound to the appropriate fields on transform to keep them in sync with matrix updates. After that, _getViewMatrix can be altered to find _viewMatrix from the transform matrix instead of position, etc.. upVector and _cache.upVector can be hijacked to test transform for changes to know when to update _viewMatrix.

this._viewMatrix = new BABYLON.Matrix();
this.transform = initialTransform;

// ._viewMatrix now comes from .transform
this._getViewMatrix = function() {
  return this._viewMatrix;

// Redirect .upVector + its cache to .transform, so that changes to .transform trigger updates
this._cache.upVector = BABYLON.Matrix.Identity();
this.upVector = this.transform;
// Bind .position to .transform
Object.defineProperties(this.position, {
  x: {
    enumerable: true,
    get: () => this.transform.m[12],
    set: v => this.transform.m[12] = v
  y: ...

Works as far as I can tell. Overall, not as bad as it could be.

I'm still looking for a WebGL library that allows using matrices without such hacks though...

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