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Lots of Noise Functions


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Here you go:

vec2 rgrad2(vec2 p, float rot);
vec3 psrdnoise(vec2 pos, vec2 per, float rot);
vec3 psdnoise(vec2 pos, vec2 per);
float psrnoise(vec2 pos, vec2 per, float rot);
float psnoise(vec2 pos, vec2 per);
vec3 srdnoise(vec2 pos, float rot);
vec3 sdnoise(vec2 pos);
float srnoise(vec2 pos, float rot);
vec2 cellular(vec2 P);
vec2 cellular2x2(vec2 P);
vec2 cellular2x2x2(vec3 P);
vec2 cellular(vec3 P);
float cnoise(vec2 P);
float pnoise(vec2 P, vec2 rep);
float cnoise(vec3 P);
float pnoise(vec3 P, vec3 rep);
float cnoise(vec4 P);
float pnoise(vec4 P, vec4 rep);
float snoise(vec2 v);
float snoise(vec3 v);
float snoise(vec3 v, out vec3 gradient);
vec4 grad4(float j, vec4 ip);
float snoise(vec4 v);

Ill be making JS versions here soon as well that you can use to displace your terrain...

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so yea, the perlins are glitch and this is really tossed together I need to define a standard objects and wrap it all... but the worleys and the Simples work.

new WorleyNoise2D(numPoints, seed, width, height, targetPoint, style);
styles: euclidean, euclidean2, manhattan, manhattan2, chebyshevish, chebyshevish2, chebyshevish3, chebyshevish4, valentine, valentine2, valentine3;

*no new needed
sNoise2(xy, seed);
sNoise3(xyz, seed);

there are perlins there too, but like I said they are messed up right now... :-(

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Just Added frequency, octive, persistence and amplitude support, for all my noise generators... this means they all have quite a bit of dynamic ability and already have seeding and scaling functions... Now to do phased noises, and redo my WorleyNoise Engine.

Perlin works now...

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POWER LEVEL OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!
for those who dont want to scroll up: https://pryme8.github.io/Das_Noise/

My Pseudo Worley2 Noises work now as well... with all the same constructor arguments... I call them Poorly Noise... ha...
a b and c style... will also prolly do lots of other styles of it as well... its not a real cellular generator but it does Geometric patterns like a boss...

Ill do real Worley2 and 3 Here at some point, Me thinks this is starting to become something.


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Really basic editor... a lot of features are not active yet, but I am only like 6 hours into it so they will come soon enough.

Please only do one noise at a time for right now, on the next version you will be able to do as many as you want.

Mixing and color functions will be on the next one as well, and then soon after that animations.

There are a few glitches still, so if you find any let me know...  Some of the calculations need to be tweeked, and Im going to do a more official Worley system here soon, cause the ones I did came out way to Geometric.

Current Poorly and Worley Systems, you cant shift the nCount or the n Target yet, but that is there I just forgot to script the UI...

Um make sure to scale up Perlin if your using it... in fact just make sure you scale all the noises otherwise they are pretty compact and just look like random value distribution.

Your stuck with one seed right now too till I update the UI stuff...

Let me know if you have any questions comments concerns or criticism .

**UPDATE: You can change the seed, the noise name and the output now, n Points for Poorly and Worley active now.

***UPDATE: fixed the CSS problems, that broke the examples when I uploaded the editor.

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If anyone is following along with this, sorry a lot of the links have changed.  Ill get the editor and examples back up here soon.

Just making some real big changes to the core system first.  In the mean time check out the API, and let me know if there is any changes that need to be made or any features you would like to see!

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