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Imported mesh is not visible


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Hello, I have exported a model from blender for babylon.

I'm using this code to position the mesh:

BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("tree leaves leaves1", "models/", "tree.babylon", scene, function (ms) { ms[0].position = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();

The problem is that the mesh is imported but is not visible. I'm a basic user in blender and I'm not sure if I have correctly made a model. I will attach log file from export and .babylon file



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It'd help a lot if you could reproduce the issue on the playground and post the link here.


With that said, I didn't take a look at your exported model, but here are some thoughts:

An exported model possibly contains more than one mesh, so setting the position of just the first one can often not result in a visible change.

In your blender file does your model start at (0, 0) or did you position it differently?

Are any errors thrown in the console?

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Hi @svatopluk : welome to the forum :)

Can you post your .blend file ?

There seems to be a camera and a light in your exported .babylon file as well as 3 meshes, but you are using "BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh" to import just one mesh. Do you have an alternative camera and lights in your loading script?

cheers, gryff :)

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Hi @svatopluk,

I think we need your .blend file as gryff suggested. If I load the mesh "Cube" from your babylon file, it works. 

First I thought it is because of the white spaces in the mesh name - tested it by rename one of mine and it still works. So post your .blend file and we can help ;)


edit: Maybe it has something to do with your materials. In the log-file you can see that there are some 'uvs', but no 'uvs2'. Try to delete all materials and test it again. (Warning: can be misinformation, I'm rather a modeler and relatively new to the materials and textures section)

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Well, I will post the blender file.

Use case is this. In the file there is a tree compose of several meshes which I need to use multiple times in my 3D game. I don't know what is the best way to use the tree from the blender file without camera, light or other stuff. I just need 30 instances of the tree to place on the ground.

Also please note that I didn't make that blender tree I downloaded it from some site and import it in blender and added materials.

So, please help.


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@svatopluk : Thanks for the blend file :)

I took a look at the file - that tree is huge. People make smaller skyboxes!! The lamp and camera were inside the tree!!:o


1.) I applied the rotation to the meshes, removed the basic lamp and added a "Hemi" light, and re-positioned the camera so the tree could be viewed properly in the Babylon Sandbox (see image below)

2. I re-scaled the tree to one tenth (1/10) of its original size and applied that scale, and again re-positioned the camera. It worked fine in the Sandbox also.

So here is a zip flie of your tree with a blend file for case 1, and another for case 2 above : new trees

Ohh and use "BABYLON.SceneLoader.Load" functionality not  "BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh" as this will not import the lights and camera from blender.

Hope that helps.

cheers, gryff :)


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Hi @svatopluk,

It is always good to apply the scale and rotation of your meshes in blender - except if you want a rotated coordinate system (this can sometimes be tricky....).

So the solution of @gryff works of course, but you don't have to use the camera or light of blender.

Just scale the mesh down (I have now dimensions of max 5 units in z-direction), apply the rotations and scale (STRG+A) and move both the leaves and the trunk into an "empty" (a group - see picture).
Load this empty-mesh called "tree" with the ImportMesh function and everything is fine. Remember you have to set a camera and light in Babylon (use the basic playground demo for example).

In addition, I fixed a bug in your mesh (see picture).

And here is the blend-file:


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That was helpful, thanks... I have managed to place the trees on the terrain.

Thanks all.


There is only a problem with bounding boxes when the object is placed on the ground. The bounding box is squashed. When I call mesh.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.vectorsWorld I get the points in array with same value. I'm not sure how to get past that.

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