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Any way to dynamically get canvas coordinates of a sprite?


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I have a sprite in my scene which the user clicks on and then the camera moves. The problem is I need to overlay an html element on that sprite after the camera moves. Is there any way to project the sprite position to x, y canvas coordinates? The Vector3.Project function doesn't seem to work for me beacuse I can't compute the worldMatrix from the sprite ( at least not that I know of ).

Here is what I tried. The this context here is the sprite.

var transformationMatrix = camera.getViewMatrix().multiply(camera.getProjectionMatrix());
var position = this.position
var projectedPosition = BABYLON.Vector3.Project(position, this.computeWorldMatrix(true), transformationMatrix, camera.viewport.toGlobal(camera.getEngine()));


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Never mind I figured this out my use of the project method was simply wrong. This works!

var position = this.position
var projectedPosition = BABYLON.Vector3.Project(
    camera.viewport.toGlobal(990, 450) // size of my canvas


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