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Disable Physics per object


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Hey there party people. I have 5 meshes that are using physics (cloth like sims). I am wondering if there is a way to disable or pause the physics if the mesh does not meet specific criteria at a given point. So it would be possible to turn physics on or off depending on some condition. Simple test, can you have a button that enables and disables physics on a per object basis? Lets say, mesh A is within x distance of the camera, so it can be on, but meshes b-e should be off. If mesh A leaves x distance, it turns off. If mesh B becomes within x distance, it turns on. Make sense? @RaananW you have experience here, what are your thoughts?

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Originally they were initialized to work like that. The problem was, and still is that when not zoomed in they can still be viewed. We had this discussion a while back ☺

Try also to reduce the quality of the cloth. This is an exponential factor. Will help performance, especially on mobile. 

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