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Game gets slow in ipad


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Could be the same issue as in your other thread.

This sounds like the memory for the browser is not able to handle the game properly.


There are tools that limit the amount of memory for a browser (or maybe in the settings?).

Try to find out what your minimum amount of memory is you have available and try not to exceed this value during tests.


If you don't want to use tools, try checking the memory usage via the task manager during your test runs.

If the memory exceeds the capacity of a device, those errors occur and the game slows down.

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Hi SeelenGeier,

                      Once again thanks for your reply,  I have checked the cpu usage while starting the game the CPU -16 % and the memory is 52% after one hour it becomes 28% and 59% respectively...Is it affect  the speed of the game.I have test this with windows 10.Thanks...

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