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Loading screen or single state?


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So I built a small little game that only contains two states. A menu state which is just a picture and a button and a play state where you have a character that moves back, forth and jumps. My issue is that sometimes when you press the button on the menu state to go to the play state it will take a few seconds to load and will just display a black screen for a bit. Is there any way to get rid of this loading time by using some sort of loading screen? Or should I combine both states into one so there is no loading time in between? Thanks in advance for your suggestions. :)

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What I recommend is checking the repository in the 'resources' folder and then "Project Templates / Basic".


There you can see an example of using Boot state, Preloader state, MainMenu state and Game state - you got the 3rd,4th states

and adding the 1st,2nd will solve your problems since all graphics and assets will be preloaded in 2nd state.

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