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How to dynamically resize the game and sprites depending on the resolution of the mobile device


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Short answer is, yes.


Long one:


You must use Phaser scale methods, and also: Phaser.Device - see Rich post http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/2990-a-framework-approach-to-multi-screen-full-screen-development/?hl=device


And check this topics since there is my answer to the game scaling thing:




And check the search for adddtiional info cases about: display, game , scale:



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I tried these two codes On iphone, and samsung galaxy S, the result is the same, and the game has not been resized.

this is part of my Boot class

create() {        this.stage.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;        this.input.maxPointers = 1;        this.stage.disableVisibilityChange = true;        if (!this.game.device.desktop) {            this.game.stage.scale.startFullScreen();            this.game.stage.scaleMode = Phaser.StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL;            this.game.stage.scale.minWidth = 480;            this.game.stage.scale.minHeight = 260;            this.game.stage.scale.maxWidth = 1024;            this.game.stage.scale.maxHeight = 768;            this.game.stage.scale.forceLandscape = true;            this.game.stage.scale.setScreenSize(true);            this.game.stage.scale.setShowAll();            this.game.stage.scale.refresh();        }        this.game.state.start("Preloader");    }


create() {        this.stage.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;        this.input.maxPointers = 1;        this.stage.disableVisibilityChange = true;        if (!this.game.device.desktop) {        }        this.game.state.start("Preloader");    }

I started the game with 480 320, this take a full screen on iphone, but 1/3 of the screen of samsung


EDIT 1: 


seems like cocoon js problem, it's strange, i tried it with cordova and it works like a charm, but i can't use it for game.

Do you know any other platform for build mobile html5 games?

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