Nighthell Posted May 29, 2017 Share Posted May 29, 2017 Hello! I'm new in the phaser world, and I've encountered a collision problem. My character briefly enters in the ground when falling from great heights. I don't have gravity configured, and I'm using tilemap for the scenario. Character Setting game.load.spritesheet('char', 'assets/char.png', 32, 51); player = game.add.sprite (32, - 90, 'char'); game.physics.enable (player) player .body.bounce.y = 0.2; player .body.linearDamping = 1; player .body.enable; player .body.collideWorldBounds = true; Setting the Scenery game.load.image('tilesCenario', 'assets/tileset.png'); game.load.tilemap('mapa1', 'assets/mapa1.json', null, Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON); var fase = 1; var nameFase = 'map' + fase; map = game.add.tilemap (PhaseName); map.addTilesetImage ('tileset', 'tilesCenario'); map.setCollisionBetween (1, 5); map.setCollisionBetween (8, 12); I am using Phaser CE v2.7.10. Game: Does anyone know how to help me with this problem? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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