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Call a function inside events with states


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hi, i've a problem in my code, chrome said:"Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined", below the code interested in:

(all after the end of update function)

if (game.rnd.integerInRange(0, 50) == 1) {
                    nuvoletta.visible = true;
                    game.time.events.add(Phaser.Timer.SECOND / 1.55, this.riflessi, this);
riflessi: function () {
            if ((nuvoletta.visible) && (!pulsanteblocco.downDuration(1000))) {
                pulsanteblocco.isDown = false;
                nuvoletta.visible = false;
                if (life5.visible) {
                    life5.visible = false;
                else if (life4.visible) {
                    life4.visible = false;
                else if (life3.visible) {
                    life3.visible = false;
                else if (life2.visible) {
                    life2.visible = false;
                else if (life1.visible) {
                    life1.visible = false;
                    player.frame = 23;
                    player.body.velocity = 0;
            else if ((!stamina1.visible) && (nuvoletta.visible)) {
                stamina1.visible = true;
            else if ((!stamina2.visible) && (nuvoletta.visible)) {
                stamina2.visible = true;
            else if ((!stamina3.visible) && (nuvoletta.visible)) {
                stamina3.visible = true;
            if ((nuvoletta.visible) && (pulsanteblocco.downDuration(1000))) { (game.add.audio('blocco1')).play(); }
            nuvoletta.visible = false;
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I had to call an anonymous function inside the event timer, haven't found any other solution...

Now i'm stuck with this little guy:

game.physics.arcade.overlap(player, exp, function (player,Exp) {


                this.esperienza += 10;

                exptesto.text = 'Esperienza: ' + this.esperienza;


            },null, this),


the score(exptesto in my example) report always NaN, any suggestion?

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@deepsky88 Hard to say from just that snippet, but I'm guessing "this.esperienza" doesn't exist on 'this', so performing a += 10 operation returns the NotANumber (NaN) property because it's operating on a property that can't be accessed.

First thing: has this.esperienza actually been created, and what is it: just a basic type like a Number, Sprite etc?

Second, it's always worth debugging yourself to see why a variable or object isn't behaving as expected: either adding the debugger breakpoint (perhaps after this.esperienza += 10 assignment) to see what the scope of your anonymous function contains, though you can do the same with just a console.log(this) in the same place (though sometimes with Phaser that can cause a cascade of console.logs!)

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i create "var esperienza = 0" in the boot, like all other variables and assets, that little snippet is all in update function, i have to try to separate the callback into a separate function outside the update, the main problem is that without this, esperienza is not defined, thx for answer and inputs, i'll try some things and let u know =)

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4 minutes ago, deepsky88 said:

i create "var esperienza = 0" in the boot, like all other variables and assets, that little snippet is all in update function, i have to try to separate the callback into a separate function outside the update, the main problem is that without this, esperienza is not defined, thx for answer and inputs, i'll try some things and let u know =)

@deepsky88 There is your problem:

var esperienza = 0

this is a local variable, not a member property of your Game State; it's scope is only wherever it was declared - the boot function. So assuming you mean the preload() or create() functions, if you declare it like the below instead, it SHOULD be visible to the physics callback:

this.esperienza = 0;


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8 hours ago, pixelburp said:

@deepsky88 There is your problem:

var esperienza = 0

this is a local variable, not a member property of your Game State; it's scope is only wherever it was declared - the boot function. So assuming you mean the preload() or create() functions, if you declare it like the below instead, it SHOULD be visible to the physics callback:

this.esperienza = 0;


not working, always NaN; worked a bit if a define var esperienza in the update function, but after one second returns 0, i'm trying to callback the function outside the update right now

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