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shaped camera fade out


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hi, i want to a shaped fade out, like the star one in the simpson:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72bUheqRE5o.

I tried to attach a fully transparent image of 800 x 600 than adding animations to hit with a spreetsheet of 12 frames (all 800 x 600), but when the animations should start nothing happened and chrome don't reveal any error, is it because of the large spreetsheet or what?



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3 minutes ago, Jammy said:

Animate the width+height of the sprite that the mask is applied to, should do the trick

yep but my shapes of mask is drawn with gimp, i saw that is possible to draw polygon but u need an array with coords, is there a way to make the mask filled with a png?

my spreatsheet with frames of fade out


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3 minutes ago, deepsky88 said:

yep but my shapes of mask is drawn with gimp, i saw that is possible to draw polygon but u need an array with coords, is there a way to make the mask filled with a png?

I believe what you need is a black sprite that acts as the transparent shape, that is used as a mask. Theres a demo here: https://phaser.io/examples/v2/bitmapdata/alpha-mask

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