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Button with a callback on a specific object


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Hey All,


Felt like I finally had to create an account because I got myself stuff. The short of it is this; I don't know if I am running into a JS limitation, or a phaser limitation. 


So, I have this object set up:

function Player(name) {                this.name = name;                this.role = "myRole";            }            Player.prototype = {                revealRole: function () {                    alert(this.role.toString());                    return this.role;                }            };

Now lets assume as some point we get a variable number of players set up with varying roles. I want to create a button for each player, and then be able to click on the button to display that player's role. I did something like this:

for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {                    players[i].revealRole(); //As a test, this line works, but the next line doesn't                    var PlayerButton = game.add.button(x, y + (70 * ((i%5)+1)), 'smallbutton', revealRole, players[i], 0, 0, 1);}

This of course doesn't work for the button callback because it can't figure out the context of the revealRole method. Am I way off base here? Will this just not work?


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var PlayerButton = game.add.button(x, y + (70 * ((i%5)+1)), 'smallbutton', players[i].revealRole, players[i], 0, 0, 1);

You want to tell it to call the player objects revealRole function and pass it the player as a context...

This is not a limitation, but a flexability. You could attach the revealRole function to any object, and as long as the player is the context it is called on, 'this' will be the player object.

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