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Parent display objects and their possible children? Graphics in Group, Sprite in Sprite?


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I'm trying to figure out what the possible parent-child situations are for the following object types:

Game, Group, Sprite, Graphics


This I know:

- Game can contain Groups, Sprites and Graphics.

- Groups can contain Sprites.


Unsure of:

- Can Sprites contain other Sprites?

- Can a Group contain a Graphics object?

- Can a Sprite contain Graphics?

- Can a Group have inner Groups?

- What can a Group have as parent, if not only Game?


I'm trying to design a little pause-menu and I'm switching back and forth between object types to be the actual menu.

I thought Group would be the best, but it seems I cannot have a "lightbox-ish" semi-transparant black background Graphics in it to cover up my game area.

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