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Ring (2 Materials) with Outer-Text


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Hi Folks,

i`am totally new with BabylonJS and i am trying to build a ring and hope to get some help..

The ring has two materials: The outer material is gold, the inner material is silver - and theres a text on the outer side engraved.

My Problem: When i use a tube i can´t use a "structure thickness". Both materials are constrained. As you can see in my attached example, i only get two flat tubes which are not contrained.

I also tried to use a cylinder, but this results in ugly artefacts.


Test with tube:



Test with cylinder:

Here (simple outer layer) is the Text messed up (why?) and the inner cylinder is not transparent:

http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#5VCJM2 or/and http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#EXRRCJ


This is nearly what i need: http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#Y1CKRT

But the Text is messed up and the middle-cylinder shows ugly artefacts..


P.S.: I attached an example of a wristband which is similar (theres an outer and inner layer - the text (here image) cutout shows the underneath color)


Thank you very much




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Thank you very much!

..is the regular proceed to use cylinders with different heights to prevent artefacts (started with height 2.0 - end up with 2.03)?

Also: When used the same height, the Text also appears on the top layer of the object..



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