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allowing default style.cursor?


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I am not using ActionManagers or anything like that in a particular scene, but I would like to change the default cursor for my scenes to something else. I found that babylon will set style.cursor back to "" if it doesn't detect a mesh to use the hoverCursor property for.

I changed my fork to instead refer to a defaultCursor property in babylon.scene.ts which defaults to the same empty string that is being used in the _onPointerMove function when it doesn't determine it should set the hoverCursor property for. Is that something that might be interesting to merge in? If so, I'll make a pull request.

Thanks for a awesome library as always.

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What I don't understand is why when I pull babylon.js master and build (without making any changes to ts files), the /dist files generated already shows diffs. It looks like it is just placing things into a different order, but do not understand why? I cleaned node_modules from tools/gulp to be on the safe side, but same results.

Anyway, here is the PR, thanks https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/pull/2661

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