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SSAO implementation with BJS + GLSL


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I'm trying to create my own SSAO shader in forward rendering (not in post processing) with GLSL. I'm encountering some issues, but I really can't figure out what's wrong with my code.

It is implemented as a BABYLON.ShaderMaterial and set in a RenderTargetTexture, and it is mainly inspired by this renowned SSAO tutorial: http://john-chapman-graphics.blogspot.fr/2013/01/ssao-tutorial.html

For performance reasons, I have to do all the calculation without projecting and unprojecting in screen space, I'd rather use the view ray method described in the tutorial above.

- First, I calculate my four camera far plane corners positions in my JS code. They might be constants every time as they are calculated in view space position.

// Calculating 4 corners manually in view space
var tan = Math.tan;
var atan = Math.atan;
var ratio = SSAOSize.x / SSAOSize.y;
var far = scene.activeCamera.maxZ;
var fovy = scene.activeCamera.fov;
var fovx = 2 * atan(tan(fovy/2) * ratio);
var xFarPlane = far * tan(fovx/2);
var yFarPlane = far * tan(fovy/2);

var topLeft     = new BABYLON.Vector3(-xFarPlane,  yFarPlane, far);
var topRight    = new BABYLON.Vector3( xFarPlane,  yFarPlane, far);
var bottomRight = new BABYLON.Vector3( xFarPlane, -yFarPlane, far);
var bottomLeft  = new BABYLON.Vector3(-xFarPlane, -yFarPlane, far);

var farCornersVec = [topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft];
var farCorners = [];

for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    var vecTemp = farCornersVec[i];
    farCorners.push(vecTemp.x, vecTemp.y, vecTemp.z);

- These corner positions are sent to the vertex shader -- that is why the vector coordinates are serialized in the farCorners array to be sent in the vertex shader.

- In my vertex shader, position.x and position.y signs let the shader know which corner to use at each pass.

- These corners are then interpolated in my fragment shader for calculating a view ray, i.e. a vector from the camera to the far plane (its z component is, therefore, equal to the far plane distance to camera).

I get my depth buffer as a BABYLON.RenderTargetTexture with the DepthRenderer.getDepthMap() method.

The kernel samples are disposed in a hemisphere with random floats in [0,1], most being distributed close to origin with a linear interpolation.

As I don't have a normal texture, I calculate them from the current depth buffer value with getNormalFromDepthValue() (source: http://theorangeduck.com/page/pure-depth-ssao).

Finally, my getDepth() function allows me to get the depth value at current UV in 32-bit float.

Here is my fragment shader code:

uniform mat4 projection; // Projection matrix
uniform float radius; // Scaling factor for sample position, by default = 1.7
uniform float depthBias; // 1e-5
uniform vec2 noiseScale; // (SSAOSize.x / noiseSize, SSAOSize.y / noiseSize), with noiseSize = 4

varying vec3 vCornerPositionVS; // vCornerPositionVS is the interpolated position calculated from the 4 far corners

void main() {
    // Get linear depth in [0,1] with texture2D(depthBufferTexture, vUV)
    float fragDepth = getDepth(depthBufferTexture, vUV);
    float occlusion = 0.0;

    if (fragDepth < 1.0) {
        // Retrieve fragment's view space normal
        vec3 normal = getNormalFromDepthValue(fragDepth); // in [-1,1]

        // Random rotation: rvec.xyz are the components of the generated random vector
        vec3 rvec = texture2D(randomSampler, vUV * noiseScale).rgb * 2.0 - 1.0; // [-1,1]
        rvec.z = 0.0; // Random rotation around Z axis

        // Get view ray, from camera to far plane, scaled by 1/far so that viewRayVS.z == 1.0
        vec3 viewRayVS = vCornerPositionVS / far;

        // Current fragment's view space position
        vec3 fragPositionVS = viewRay * fragDepth;

        // Creation of TBN matrix
        vec3 tangent = normalize(rvec - normal * dot(rvec, normal));
        vec3 bitangent = cross(normal, tangent);
        mat3 tbn = mat3(tangent, bitangent, normal);

        for (int i = 0; i < NB_SAMPLES; i++) {
            // Get sample kernel position, from tangent space to view space
            vec3 samplePosition = tbn * kernelSamples[i];

           // Add VS kernel offset sample to fragment's VS position
            samplePosition = samplePosition * radius + fragPosition;

            // Project sample position from view space to screen space:
            vec4 offset = vec4(samplePosition, 1.0);
            offset = projection * offset;
            offset.xy /= offset.w; // Perspective division -> [-1,1]
            offset.xy = offset.xy * 0.5 + 0.5; // [-1,1] -> [0,1]

            // Get current sample depth:
            float sampleDepth = getDepth(depthTexture, offset.xy);

            float rangeCheck = abs(fragDepth - sampleDepth) < radius ? 1.0 : 0.0;
            // Reminder: fragDepth == fragPosition.z

            // Range check and accumulate if fragment contributes to occlusion:
            occlusion += (samplePosition.z - sampleDepth >= depthBias ? 1.0 : 0.0) * rangeCheck;

    // Inversion
    float ambientOcclusion = 1.0 - (occlusion / float(NB_SAMPLES));
    ambientOcclusion = pow(ambientOcclusion, power);
    gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(ambientOcclusion), 1.0);

A horizontal and vertical gaussian shader blur clears the noise generated by the random texture afterwards.

My parameters are:

radius = 1.7
depthBias = 1e-5
power = 1.0


The result has artifacts on its edges, and the close shadows are not very strong... Would anyone see something wrong or weird in my code?

Thanks a lot!


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Question linked to this topic: having looked in both documentation and source code of BJS, I can't figure it out at all, but maybe someone could help me on this:

Getting my depth buffer as a BABYLON.RenderTargetTexture with the DepthRenderer.getDepthMap() method, is this depth function linear??


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Well, I understand that this depth is non-linear (so that it is more precise for near distances for optimization reasons).

My question is now: how do I get linear depth in range [0.0, 1.0]?


PS: I read that post but I didn't get it all, it is quite complex and seems more like a debate between experienced BJS developers :huh: Plus it is kinda old

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