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Pointer intersects bounding box


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I've just been finding a way to test if the pointer intersects with a bounding box of a mesh in the scene, and have come up with http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#T1PZSJ#3

I've a couple of questions though.

First, is there a more obvious way to do this that would tie in with the action manager?

Second, why is ray.intersectsBox() and similar methods dealing with mesh local space and not world space (i.e. it's internally using minimum and maximum as opposed to minimumWorld and maximumWorld). There's likely a good reason, but I couldn't find anything that even references that before using these methods a transform on the ray would be needed (to get it from world to mesh local space), besides in one post here.

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Hey, you can just use the onPointerDown:

    scene.onPointerDown = (e, pickResult) => {
        if (pickResult.hit) {
            // Check pickResult.mesh === myMesh

For your second question: I'm using local world because if you want to get the picked point you won't need to transform ALL vertices to world space. It is faster to move the ray to local space instead of moving all vertices to world :)

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Hey Delta, thanks for your reply.

I was specifically looking for a way to pick using the bounding box, as the mesh I'm wanting to pick has holes in it. I want the whole area to be pickable, and using the bounding box seemed like a good way to achieve this (while also getting a nice buffer area for the pick).

Thanks for the explanation regarding local space, that does make sense.

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IMO, you will need to intelligently use the predicate to limit the intersecting meshes and use fast check for the best performance.

I remember once suggesting a bounding-box/sphere only ray pick, but it had an (obvious) problem getting the exact point of the intersection. It shouldn't be too heard to implement thou, if this is enough for you.

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