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glTF loader error on buffer length and chunk length


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Hi all,

I am trying to load the gltf/glb file using BJS, and encountered the following error.



Binary buffer length (25997538) from JSON does not match chunk length (25997540)

glTF Loader: Array buffer allocation failed


The error will crash the browser. May I know what is this error about? Am not very familiar with the requirements of the gltf. I converted from sketchup to gltf and glb using the Khronos plugin. Have just attached the sketchup here.

It will load on three.js though.

Thank you.

Central Train Station London Underground.skp

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Binary buffer length (25997538) from JSON does not match chunk length (25997540)

@keero This is just a warning. It shouldn't cause the loader to fail. I need to relax the warning as binary buffer length can now be up to 3 bytes samller than actual chunk length. See here: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/issues/1026

Do you have the converted glTF or GLB file? That will help a lot.

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Hi @bghgary, @Deltakosh and @RaananW,

Thank you for the quick response. Please find a link to the files below I used for testing.


Inside are the following files:

1. The original Sketchup File

2. The converted files from Khronos plugin for sketchup, which has one gltf, one glb, and one "paint glb" version.

3. Loader_babylon is the one I used to test the loading for babylon.

4. Screenshot is one from threejs, with the loader3js used.

Hope these are fine. If I used the babylon loader wrongly do let me know too. Thank you!


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