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Incorrect Scaling


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I'm trying to make a pixel style game. However, for some reason Phaser wants to scale the entire game down 2 or 3 times, making it unusable.

When I try to scale the stage up with the state's scale manager it just increases the number of pixels, to around 4000 x 7000 pixels.

let game = new window.Phaser.Game({
  width: 1920,
  height: 1080,
  renderer: window.Phaser.WEBGL,
  parent: 'game-div',
  antialias: false


boot.init = function () {
  this.stage.smoothing = false
  this.stage.scale = new window.PIXI.Point(4,4)
  this.game.renderer.roundPixels = true

I have no idea what is happening.

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