Gammerr Posted March 20, 2018 Share Posted March 20, 2018 Hey, I'm trying to create a game when items falling down and there is a character at the bottom that needs to collect some of the items and you get points depends on what you're choosing. I'm sure there is a better way to do it, that's why I'm posting it, I need help with that. If you'll run this code, you'll see that if you end up with a score more than 70 for example it's not showing the text that I wrote on the if statement, in the code search for ---> else if ( score => 70 && score < 90 ) code: var game = new Phaser.Game(1136, 640, Phaser.CANVAS, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render }); function preload() { game.load.image('sky', 'assets/sky.png'); game.load.image('star', 'assets/star.png'); game.load.image('cloud', 'assets/cloud.png'); game.load.image('pocket', 'assets/pocket.png'); } var cursors; var randomNumberX; var cloud; var cloudGroup; var pocket; var sky; var tryAgain; var score = 0; var scoreText; var gameOverTextStyle; var gameOverScreen = false; var gameOverText; var cloudOutIndex = 0; var cloudText = { "Wants director role" : 10, "Director role \n requires masters" : 10, "Works at nonprofit" : 20, "Nonprofit called \n Just for Girls" : 10, "Organization focuses \n on young women" : -5, "Organization helps \n with job prep" : -5, "Current director \n is leaving soon" : 5, "Been preparing for \n the director role" : 10, "Been at the \n company 5 years" : 5, "Passionate about work" : 5, "Needs more education \n to be successful" : 10, "Director does a lot \n of grant writing" : 5, "Loves working at \n Just for Girls" : -5, "Wants more info \n about grant writing" : 10, "Always had a goal \n to get masters" : 10, "Now feels like the \n right time for masters" : 10, }; var cloudLength = Object.keys(cloudText).length; function create() { game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); cursors = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); spaceKey = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR); sky = game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, 1136, 640, 'sky'); tryAgain = game.add.text(,, 'Try Again', { fill: '#ebfa46'} ); tryAgain.anchor.set(0.5); tryAgain.inputEnabled = true; tryAgain.visible = false; tryAgain.input.useHandCursor = true;, this); cloud = game.add.sprite(0, -400, 'cloud'); pocket = game.add.sprite(568, 568, 'pocket'); game.physics.arcade.enable([cloud, pocket]); var cloudTextStyle = { font: "bold 16px Arial", fill: "#000", align: "center" }; cloudGroup =; cloudGroup.alpha = 0.8; Object.keys(cloudText).forEach(function(key, i){ // random number for the location of the clouds randomNumberX = Math.floor(Math.random() * 780) + 1; // create text with a style var textElement = new Phaser.Text(game, 40, 30, key, cloudTextStyle); // create a new sprite at a random world location and assign it to a variable named cloud var cloud = cloudGroup.create(randomNumberX, i * (-300), 'cloud'); // append for each cloud item the text from the array cloud.addChild( textElement ); cloud.customParams = { score: cloudText[key] } game.physics.arcade.enable(cloud); cloud.body.velocity.y = 120; cloud.anchor.set(0); cloud.checkWorldBounds = true;, this); }); pocket.body.collideWorldBounds = true; pocket.body.allowGravity = false; pocket.body.immovable = true; // The score scoreText = game.add.text(16, 16, 'score: 0', { fontize: '32px', fill: '#fff' }); // Game Over Text gameOverTextStyle = { fontSize: "32px", fill: "#000", align: "center" }; } function update() { sky.tilePosition.x -= 0.3; cloudGroup.forEach(function(item, i){ game.physics.arcade.overlap(item, pocket, collisionHandler, null, this); }); pocket.body.velocity.x = 0; // Movement if (cursors.left.isDown) { // Move to the left pocket.body.velocity.x = -700; } else if (cursors.right.isDown) { // Move to the right pocket.body.velocity.x = +700; } else { pocket.animations.stop(); } if ( gameOverScreen ) { spaceKey.onDown.addOnce(restartGame); } } function collisionHandler (item, pocket) { cloudOutIndex++; score += item.customParams.score; scoreText.text = 'score: ' + score; item.destroy(); if ( score < 0 ) { cloudGroup.visible = false; gameOverText = game.add.text(, -150, 'Listen Again \n Remember, only pocket the most important info.', gameOverTextStyle ); gameOverText.anchor.set(0.5); tryAgainScreen(); } else { // when all the clouds are off the screen if ( ( cloudLength - 1 ) * 2 + 1 == cloudOutIndex ) { if ( score < 40 ) { gameOverText = game.add.text(, -150, 'Listen Again \n Remember, only pocket the most important info.', gameOverTextStyle ); gameOverText.anchor.set(0.5); } else if ( score => 40 && score < 70 ) { gameOverText = game.add.text(, -150, 'Great! \n Your pocketing skills are getting there.', gameOverTextStyle ); gameOverText.anchor.set(0.5); } else if ( score => 70 && score < 90 ) { gameOverText = game.add.text(, -150, 'Excellent! \n You know a thing or two about pocketing.', gameOverTextStyle ); gameOverText.anchor.set(0.5); } else if ( score == 90 ) { gameOverText = game.add.text(, -150, 'Perfect Score! \n You are a pocket expert.', gameOverTextStyle ); gameOverText.anchor.set(0.5); } tryAgainScreen(); } } } function cloudOut(item) { cloudOutIndex++; // when all the clouds are off the screen if ( ( cloudLength - 1 ) * 2 + 1 == cloudOutIndex ) { if ( score < 40 ) { gameOverText = game.add.text(, -150, 'Listen Again \n Remember, only pocket the most important info.', gameOverTextStyle ); gameOverText.anchor.set(0.5); } else if ( score => 40 && score < 70 ) { gameOverText = game.add.text(, -150, 'Great! \n Your pocketing skills are getting there.', gameOverTextStyle ); gameOverText.anchor.set(0.5); } else if ( score => 70 && score < 90 ) { gameOverText = game.add.text(, -150, 'Excellent! \n You know a thing or two about pocketing.', gameOverTextStyle ); gameOverText.anchor.set(0.5); } else if ( score == 90 ) { gameOverText = game.add.text(, -150, 'Perfect Score! \n You are a pocket expert.', gameOverTextStyle ); gameOverText.anchor.set(0.5); } tryAgainScreen(); } } function tryAgainScreen() { gameOverScreen = true; tryAgain.visible = true; cloudGroup.visible = false; pocket.visible = false; scoreText.visible = false; } function restartGame() { cloudOutIndex = 0; score = 0; gameOverScreen = false; create(); } function render() { // cloudGroup.forEach(function(item){ // game.debug.body(item); // }); // game.debug.body(pocket); } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gammerr Posted March 21, 2018 Author Share Posted March 21, 2018 oops, it's a Javascript issue - I had a mistake in the if statement, I wrote else if ( score => 70 && score < 90 ) instead of else if ( score >= 70 && score < 90 ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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