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Difference Between Instanced Attributed and non.


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So when doing somthing like:
var uvRefBuffer = new BABYLON.Buffer(engine, uvRef, false, 2, false, false);
would create the Buffer as non Instanced.

var uvRefBuffer = new BABYLON.Buffer(engine, uvRef, false, 2, false, true);
Makes it instanced, what is the difference?
I noticed when I make it instanced things stop working, so I am wondering when would you use that and what is its convention.

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More detailed answer:

Here is the code of the GPU particles which heavily rely on instancing.


you can see that I only draw 4 vertices which are instanced this._currentActiveCount times

The main buffer contains the data for the 4 vertices (and this one is not instanciated ie. it will be repeated for all instances):


and then I have all the data that must be sent to all instances (which is unique per instance)


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