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[WIP] Isometric Test


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So here is a test of an Isometric wall. It is made in 1.1.3. There is no collision. I was about to work on the collision when I saw 1.1.4 released. I will be upgrading this to 1.1.4 then I will work on the collision. It isn't 100% perfect yet but here is a screen shot. Let me know what you think.




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Not really no code changes,standard tile map. It was all done in photoshop. Just had to match the angles of the pieces. Every tile is half the height of the image so I could align them correctly in Tiled. I am going to work on more iso objects that are not on the correct angle, so any iso piece will work easily with Phaser. Looks like 1.1.4 is going to help me out a lot in that field.

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