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CubeTexture become black in Chrome


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I'm using CubeTexture for getting started, and some faces of the cube became black sometimes (simply refreshing the page). And it seemed that only Chrome has this problem.


My system is Mac 10.13.3 (17D102) with Chrome 65.0.3325.181

Safari works well, WX20180402-222430@2x.png.79500b341e3aedb955161f3560cb8c9c.png.

I found that the image is drawn on canvas and then passed to texImage2D function, and I tried to pass image as the last argument (babylon.engine.ts) then the problem was solved.

Anyone have the same problem?

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Babylon.js engine (v3.2.0-beta.4) launched

The problem remains, I've checked _workingCanvas of the engine for each face of cube texture by dumping the canvas image using toDataURL.

It seems that the _workingCanvas's drawing works well. So the problem might be on gl.texImage2D on canvas,, maybe this is a Chrome issue?

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