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Drawing many of the same sprite


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I want to draw many trap sprites onto my level, so far I have created them like this;

//Spike Traptrap = this.add.sprite(240, 208, 'spikes');

But if I want to add more the only way I know currently how to do it would be to create a new sprite e.g. trap1, trap2, etc.. I want to draw them all in different locations that I define (not using math.random). 



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not certain what you're asking, but...


first, put them in an array so that you don't have to give them all their own names. e.g.

var traps = [];traps.push( this.add.sprite( x, y, 'spikes' ) );doSomethingWithTrap( traps[0] );

OR you can use a Phaser Group. e.g.

var traps = new Phaser.Group( this );    // assuming 'this' is your 'game' objecttraps.create( x, y, 'spikes' );doSomethingWithTrap( traps.getAt( 0 ) );

which you prefer really depends on how you intend to use the. Group provides more Phaser-specific functionality and is probably more useful to you.


secondly... is there a secondly? if you want to create them at non-random locations then you'll need to make the call to create each one with different x and y coordinates. you can put these in code or load them from another file somewhere (a JSON file, perhaps)...

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