Viktoria Posted May 30, 2018 Share Posted May 30, 2018 I am writing a function for collider. In the function should be checked if the player is still alive. When yes then the live will be decreased and one "heart" symbol from the lives-pannel will be deleted(the player has 3 lives aka heart symbols). The function works perfectly till the place where the player has no lives. My idea was when the player has no more lives than the game should be stopped and the intro scene should be called. But every time no matter what I do I get an Error: class Level extends Phaser.Scene{ constructor(){ super({ key:"Level" }); } preload(){ this.load.spritesheet('kaefer','src/assets/bug.png',{ frameWidth: 55, frameHeight: 56 }); this.load.spritesheet('butterfly','src/assets/butterfly.png',{ frameWidth: 55, frameHeight: 56 }); this.load.image('heart','src/assets/heart.png'); this.load.json('level','src/scenes/levels.json'); this.load.image('arbeitsbiene','src/assets/arbeitsbiene.png'); } //take the data from Menu Level init(data){ this.player_type = data.player; } create(){ //configuration for player let player_config = { x: this.levelData.playerStart.x, y: this.levelData.playerStart.y, name: this.player_type, cursors: this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys() } //create player this.bug = new Kaefer(this, player_config); this.bug.setCollideWorldBounds(true); this.physics.add.collider( this.bug,this.platforms); //create hearts bar this.lifes = this.physics.add.staticGroup(); for(let i = 0; i< this.bug.lives; i++){ let j = i + 1; this.lifes.create(35 * j, 20, 'heart'); } console.log(this.lifes); // let bee = { x: 350, y: 400, name: 'arbeitsbiene', //facing_left: false, speed: 150, jump: 340 } this.bee = new ArbeitsBiene(this, bee); this.physics.add.collider(this.bee,this.platforms); //this.physics.add.collider(this.bee, this.ground); this.bee.setCollideWorldBounds(true); this.physics.add.overlap(this.bee, this.bug, hitBee, null, this); function hitBee(bee,bug){ let heart = this.lifes.getChildren();// gets an array if children [entr0,entr1,entr2] let alive = this.bug.isAlive();//the method from bug Class. Checks if a bug is still alive if(alive){ heart[heart.length-1].destroy();//destroyes one heart symbol this.bug.setX(this.levelData.playerStart.x); this.bug.setY(this.levelData.playerStart.y-100); this.bug.lives = this.bug.lives - 1; }else{ this.scenee.start('Menu'); } } update(){ this.bug.move(); this.bee.move(); } } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hauubb Posted May 31, 2018 Share Posted May 31, 2018 this.scenee.start('Menu'); this.scene.start('Menu'); you have an extra e ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Viktoria Posted June 1, 2018 Author Share Posted June 1, 2018 Yes..but that was not a problem. Thank you for response. It turned out that an error was shown because despite the player was dead - an update() method called bug.move() method and as a result an error occured. in update() method it should be checked if a bug is alive. If yes then move() method should be called but if not then - do nothing.? update(){ if(this.bug.isAlive()){ this.bee.move(); this.bug.move(); } } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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