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Restart timeline?


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Does anyone know if it's possible to restart a timeline? I know you can restart a tween, but not sure how to replay a timeline?

I have a sprite fixed in the top corner, and every time the player collects a coin I want it to rotate. I made a timeline for it as opposed to a tween as it scales up a bit, then back down and rotates at the same time... so  I can't just use a tween and yoyo it as the rotation would go back on itself and look weird. 

Seems overkill to create a new identical timeline with every coin collected instead of just starting the existing timeline again?



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There doesn't seem to be a restart method, not sure why.  In your case you may be able to address it by setting the timeline to an infinite loop, and having the last ending tween pause the timeline onComplete. All subsequent timeline animations can be to resume the timeline.

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