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How to access text element when it's clicked?


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I have two texts on my interface, one used to start the game and the other one for some calibration.

How can I get access to the element that has been actually clicked? Here's my code for now..

this.startText = this.add.text(400, 300, 'START', {
  fill: 'white',
  fontFamily: CONST.fonts.default,
  fontSize: 48

this.otherText = this.add.text(400, 300, 'CALIBRATION', {
  fill: 'white',
  fontFamily: CONST.fonts.default,
  fontSize: 48

// make the text interactive
this.startText.setInteractive(new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(0, 0, this.startText.width, this.startText.height), Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Contains);

// listen for clicks on it
this.input.on('pointerdown', function (pointer){
  // here I should have something like "if text is START, then do something; if it's CALIBRATION, do something else"	

Any tip in merit? Cheers!

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Instead of this.input.on... use:

this.startText.on('pointerdown', function () {
    // this here refers to this.startText, so you can do e.g. this.setText("new text");

This works on Images, so I expect it to work also on text and other game objects.

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36 minutes ago, YuPi said:

Instead of this.input.on... use:

this.startText.on('pointerdown', function () {
    // this here refers to this.startText, so you can do e.g. this.setText("new text");

This works on Images, so I expect it to work also on text and other game objects.

Indeed it worked, thanks! Is there a place where these kind of documentation is easily accessible for a total beginner? 

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