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Phaser not show sprite images in chrome 65 Linux


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Hi, I'm trying to show some sprites of my game, but I get all invisible sprites. In firefox 60, the game works perfectly, only in chrome that the screen stays black and without any sprite visible. NOTE: No error message are reported, only this following:


phaser.js:80604 [Deprecation] GainNode.gain.value setter smoothing is deprecated and will be removed in M64, around January 2018. Please use setTargetAtTime() instead if smoothing is needed. See https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5287995770929152 for more details.
boot @ phaser.js:80604
boot @ phaser.js:35808
Phaser.Device._readyCheck @ phaser.js:63110
setTimeout (async)
Phaser.Device.whenReady @ phaser.js:63060
Phaser.Game @ phaser.js:35621
window.onload @ ControlKeyboard.js:46
load (async)
parcelRequire.2../scenes/TableGameScreen @ ControlKeyboard.js:46
newRequire @ main.d2705931.js:48
parcelRequire.7 @ main.d2705931.js:75
(anonymous) @ main.d2705931.js:101
phaser.js:80604 [Deprecation] AudioParam value setter will become equivalent to AudioParam.setValueAtTime() in M65, around March 2018  See https://webaudio.github.io/web-audio-api/#dom-audioparam-value for more details.
boot @ phaser.js:80604
boot @ phaser.js:35808
Phaser.Device._readyCheck @ phaser.js:63110
setTimeout (async)
Phaser.Device.whenReady @ phaser.js:63060
Phaser.Game @ phaser.js:35621
window.onload @ ControlKeyboard.js:46
load (async)
parcelRequire.2../scenes/TableGameScreen @ ControlKeyboard.js:46
newRequire @ main.d2705931.js:48
parcelRequire.7 @ main.d2705931.js:75
(anonymous) @ main.d2705931.js:101
phaser.js:80626 A "GainNode.gain.value setter smoothing is deprecated" notice in Chrome is normal. <https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser-ce/issues/385>
phaser.js:35920    Phaser CE v2.10.5 | Pixi.js | WebGL | WebAudio     http://phaser.io ♥♥♥

I'm using parcelJS as bundler. What should I do to fix this?

EDIT: I'm using Phaser 2.10.5 with Typescript

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I've tried run the game in firefox quatum and works fine. In chrome it loads the resource but in the moment of show the sprites are like invisible, without any resource is seen. The buttons are invisible but clickable because putting the cursor over the black position where it was, the cursor change the icon to pointing hand. It's impossible to load the game in chrome without a previous build in parcel, it give:


Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined

Build  with parcel in chome but serving by the apache2, give the same first error (without visible sprites. Opening in chrome 66 (android), the game opens and run withiout any error. Just chrome 65 linux give the first error.

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I don't have an answer for you, osrry. I suppose one way to narrow the problem down would be to see if it works on other versions of Chrome for Linux, and see what was changed in the updates. Pain in the arse, I know, but then this stuff sometimes is. I would also try a LInux/Chrome forum. 

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Don't worry man, I found a similar issue, but without any solution yet (just chrome linux stay in this way):


I'm using the parcel as server of the files, even using apache2 I can't see any sprite. I will try in windows and see what I can do. 

So, Thank you for the help.


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