Linzeestomp Posted June 19, 2018 Share Posted June 19, 2018 Just a quick curiosity post. I've seen tutorials with two different styles of building a phaser game and I was curious if either had pros/cons over the other method. The first method usually involves invoking Phaser at the top of your script and then adding 3 functions [preload, create, update] as below let gObject = {} || gObject; const config = { type : Phaser.AUTO, width : 1000, height : 750, autoFocus: true, backgroundColor: '#000000', parent : 'gameDiv', url : 'http//', title : 'Title Goes Here', version : '0.0.1', scene : { preload: preload, create: create, update: update }, physics: { default: 'arcade', arcade: { gravity: { y: 800 }, debug: false } } }; = new Phaser.Game(config); function preload () { } function create () { } function update () { } Below is the second method which involves extending the scene class. let gObject = {} || gObject; const config = { type : Phaser.AUTO, width : 1000, height : 750, autoFocus: true, backgroundColor: '#000000', parent : 'gameDiv', url : 'http//', title : 'Title Goes Here', version : '0.0.1', scene : [ sceneA ] }; = new Phaser.Game(config); class sceneA extends Phaser.Scene { constructor() { super({ key: 'sceneA', active: true, physics: { default: 'arcade', arcade: { debug: false, gravity: { y: 800 } } }, }); } preload () { } create () { } update () { } } I've personally been learning Phaser 3 using the second method. However, I'm no JS pro and even less of one where OOP is concerned. I just don't know if there is a benefit to how I've been doing it, and am curious if things are easier the other way -- or if it even matters! I haven't looked into using TypeScript yet with Phaser (seems silly to invest in TypeScript when most of the synactical sugar is already there with ES6--but again I'm not an expert.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scope2229 Posted June 19, 2018 Share Posted June 19, 2018 from what i have learnt the first is used for static objects like scenes and the later if for extending dynamic content like players bullets but thats what i can tell from reading the docs. Try getting your hands on a copy of An Introduction to HTML5 Game Development with Phaser.js by Travis Faas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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