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Need help with FPS dropped to below 20 in new version


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My game was using 1920*1080 on Phaser 3.0 beta4, constantly running at 60FPS on Chrome.

Since I need masking, so I updated to latest 3.10.1.

After fixing some API error, I got the game running.

But the FPS drop to ~40, and using significantly more cpu(reaching 102 C on my macbook air)

once I have the mask in game, FPS drop to <20


Need help to figure out what can be done to get the FPS back to 60?

Appreciate your inputs.

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Ok, I've done some changes, now the FPS improved to 50 without mask 

1.use images, instead of sprites

2.use container, instead of group


but when mask is on, fps is ~40


any other tricks?

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