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Same gravity.y Value produces different rate of falling


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Hi all, 


I ran through the "Making your first game" tutorial with no issues. I'm busy experimenting with my own little platformer now but gravity seems to be different between the two projects? 


I have the exact same code for my player as in the tutorial but in my new game, with a gravity of 6, the dude falls VEEEERY slowly. To get the same speed as the tutorial I have to set the gravity.y to about 600! Any ideas?


The only difference between the two is that the new project is using a tilemap. 

    player = game.add.sprite(32, game.world.height - 300, "dude");    //give him some physics    player.body.bounce.y = 0.2;    player.body.gravity.y = 6;    player.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
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Thanks for the reply. It gets weirder though.


The gravity is only messed up if I use the UNminified version. If I use the minified version it's all good, BUT then my spritemap functions break ='(

 map = game.add.tilemap('map');    map.addTilesetImage('maptiles');

Throws an error with the min version...


I'm going to download again just in case I got the files mixed up somewhere...

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You were right. THe tutorial uses 1.1.3 and I'd downloaded the latest from gitHub (1.1.5 i think). 


I'd somehow included 1.1.3 unminified and 1.1.5 minified in my new project which explains the gravity diff and different functions available!




Carry on =)

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