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multiple timelines


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Is it possible to run 2 separate timelines one after another?

i.e. using the onComplete parameter on the first timeline to fire a function which contains the second timeline.

using something similar to this:

            var timeline = this.tweens.timeline({

                tweens: [{
                    targets: targs,
                    x: startPos,
                    duration: startDur,
                    ease: 'Sine.easeInOut',
                    delay: delay
                    targets: targs,
                    x: jostlePos,
                    duration: lineDur,
                    ease: 'Sine.easeInOut',
                    yoyo: true,
                    repeat: 2,
                    onComplete: function () {
                        var timeline2 = this.tweens.timeline({

                            tweens: [{
                                targets: targs,
                                x: 1000,
                                duration: raceDur,
                                ease: 'Sine.easeInOut',
                                delay: delay


All i get is Cannot read property 'timeline' of undefined, which is referring to the second timeline, as the first plays without bother

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Your second this.tween.timeline is out of scope; 'this' has no reference to tweens.timeline.  You can define:

var _this = this;

...outside of the first tween, and in the onComplete call: _this.tweens.timeline.

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