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canvasInput or alternative


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I'm trying to get some kind of user input in the game. canvasInput seems like a solid choice but the example is in phaser 2 and I'm trying figure out how to get it in to phaser 3. I can't find the phaser 3 equivalent of bitmapData in phaser 3. Can anyone point me in the right direction of how to create a bitmapData object in phaser 3? Also if there is a better way for text input in phaser 3 I would love to know of it.

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In Phaser Newsletter 123 was announced new type of GameObject - DOM Element. Here are some exmaples here: http://labs.phaser.io/index.html?dir=game objects/dom element/ ,but it currently is not working with Phaser 3.12-beta 3 (there is quite fresh remark on GitHub, that "DOM Elements moved behind experimental flag for now"). Before that I tried wild things, like displaying rotating YouTube iframed video inside Phaser Game and it worked ?


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