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Multiplayer TCG


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Will Phaser 3 handle two player games?   I am specifically looking to make a Trading Card Game similar to Magic the Gathering.  And if so… are there any plugins or templates that will be helpful in creating it?  The biggest thing I'm looking for though is any help/articles on creating a multi player game.

I've looked at Unreal Engine and Unity.  They both have some TCG templates/toolkits you can buy but since I am going to be developing this myself at first, it would be MUCH faster to work with an HTML 5 game engine for me.

Any help at all is greatly appreciated!  Thanks!

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Phaser 3 is only going to handle your front end client code. You'll need to roll your own backend, find a library or whatever.

Here is a handy quick tutorial on how to use Phaser and NodeJS over WebSockets to get your basic multiplayer client server functionality up and running: https://gamedevacademy.org/create-a-basic-multiplayer-game-in-phaser-3-with-socket-io-part-1/

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